Welcome, Print & Play Patron!
Thank you for supporting this crazy dream of a board game!
In this package, you’ll find all the printable components you’ll need to play Brexit: The Board Game of Second Chances(tm), including:
Game Contents on 10 double-sided pdf sheets (so 20 sides total):
6 Map Tiles
12 Fact Cards
32 Headline Cards
4 Quick Play Cards
6 Sabotage Markers
15 Voting Tokens
1 pdf Rulebook
This page that explains the Print & Play adaption
We’ve formatted the Game Contents to print on normal, letter-sized paper. Just set your printer to print double-sided and these will all roll out correctly. Then just cut along the printer lines.
Pro Tip: If you have heavier stock paper around, that makes the whole thing a lot more durable (which might be needed if you intend to angrily throw the cards at your political enemies or use them to slap the next person who sabotages you (the nerve!)).
Lazy Tip: For those of you who are really bad at cutting out circles (you know who you are), try using coins in place of the Voting Tokens. One team can be heads while the other is tails (or get really symbolic and use euros for Remain and pounds for Leave).
Note about Dice: Since most of this game is made of cards and cardboard pieces, the Print & Play version has almost everything you need right here in these pdf files. HOWEVER, you’ll notice you have no custom dice.
But fret not, we’ve reformatted all the cards to use normal, six-sided dice (the ones with one to six pips—i.e. the dots). Our rulebook, however, still uses the original custom symbols, so we’ve made you this handy guide, so you aren’t terribly confused (and we made the pips on the cards the same color as the custom symbols for added ease):
As always, please let us know what you think of the game! We love to hear players’ thoughts and are especially giddy about random photos of people we’ve never met playing the game, so please holler at us on social or email us: contact@brexitgame.com.
Thank you again for being so darn awesome. You’re the best thing about Brexit.
The Bad Hipster Team